
Key Features

  • Great Views
  • Mains Power
  • Fully equipped kitchen with gas cookers, fridge/freezer & kitchenware
  • Laundry area with washing machine
  • Private office with large veranda overlooking the river and paddy
  • Water from on-site spring
  • Bathroom with toilet and shower
  • Hardwood dining tables and chairs

The open air restaurant is enjoyed by everyone. You can sit and listen to the sound of the river and birds  whilst watching the wildlife or a beautiful sunset at the end of another day in paradise. 

It has quality hardwood dining tables and chairs, a hammock, and great views of the surrounding area. There is a fully equipped kitchen with gas cookers, fridge freezer, cooking utensils and whiteware for serving guests. Next to the kitchen is a bathroom with toilet and shower as well as a laundry area with washing machine. Beyond this is a private area with an office and veranda that has views of the river and paddy.

Natural Mystic Sanctuary
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