The Property 

Highlights of the property

  • Two hours drive from the south coast and 4 hours drive to Colombo.
  • Three two bedroom Villas and a Mud Cabana with private bathrooms
  • Self Sufficient - own water source, organic food, solar hot water and power (plus mains power).
  • 6 acres of beautiful land with spring for water
  • Restaurant situated close to the river and forest
  • Open air waterfall shower
  • Stunning views over a valley with lush rainforest and tea plantation
  • Majestic banyan tree and other ancient rainforest giants
  • Wildlife spotting around the houses
  • Refreshing River with pools along the property border
  • Perfect climate (pleasantly warm during the day and refreshingly cool in the night) makes AC obsolete
  • Few mosquitoes due to cooler climate
  • Very good internet connection
  • Large variety of organic fruits, vegetables, spices and flowers.
  • Two access roads / gates situated on different levels of the hill

The River

A perfect place to take a refreshing dip on hot days and enjoy the tranquillity of nature. It runs along 2 sides of the property and has various different pools and small waterfalls.


Natural Mystic Sanctuary is accessed by crossing through a ford and going up a single track road for 500m.  It is mostly laid with stone and is most suitable for 4x4 vehicles and motorbikes. Access could be improved to accommodate other vehicles if desired. Most guests enjoy the 10 min walk by the river and tea fields. 

Their are two entrances to the property, one at the bottom where the restaurant/reception is or alternatively follow the road to the top entrance where the main accommodation is. 

Site Map


NMS is in a quiet, peaceful location away from the main road and yet it is close enough to Deniyaya town to easily get what you need or have it delivered. Sinharaja Rainforest Reserve is close by plus it is just 2 hours to the south coast and 4 hours to Colombo. 


Natural Mystic Sanctuary
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