Business Highlights

  • Established Business with great review rating
  • Good income from tourist industry
  • Three fully equipped two bedroom Villas and a Mud Cabana
  • All rooms have private bathrooms with solar hot water systems in villas
  • Fully equipped restaurant situated close to the river and lower entrance
  • Event Hall for weddings, yoga retreats, parties and other events
  • Only 30 minutes from Sinharaja National Park and Patna Sliding Rock
  • River with natural Pools along the property attracts more guests
  • Full Privacy guaranteed through it's secluded Location
  • Tourism Business is possible throughout the whole year due to two seasons
  • Loyal local staff who live in the area
  • 6 acres of land gives a lot of room for expansion of business
  • Professional website brings bookings from around the world
  • Substantiated listings on and Airbnb
  • Rainforest area becoming more popular attracts more local and foreign tourists every year
  • Cinnamon, Pepper, Cloves, Vanilla, Cardamom, Turmeric, coffee and more have been planted as a secondary income and can be further expanded
  • Large swimming pool started
Natural Mystic Sanctuary
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